Thursday, May 28, 2015

Libraries - Why I love Seattle. Reason # 16

When it comes to public investment in the literary arts Seattle does not disappoint. There are 27 branches of the Seattle Public Library tucked in every corner of the city.  At least twice a week, I go to one of the four libraries in my part of town. My kids love them too and this summer, we've decided to visit all of the branches. West Seattle, Delridge, High Point, South West, South Park, Beacon Hill, Ballard, Columbia City and International District branches are already crossed out from our list -- we got an early start during spring break. 

The thing is, Seattle is full of people who like me, love books and libraries. Love them so much that a well endowed public library system is not enough. So it is that the Free Little Library phenom has found well-amended soil here. Two years ago, there were two Little Free Libraries in my neighborhood. Carried in the swell of the idea, I put one in front of my house. Now there are 15, carefully painted, little home-shaped boxes within a ten minute walk from my house.

All over Seattle the peculiar boxes await to delight the passerby. I see them in front of  apartment buildings, churches, restaurants, bars. Once on a rainy afternoon, lost in the streets of the Columbia City neighborhood I found one with a nest egg of poetry books. I could not help myself and took three books instead of one. I drove back to it a few weeks later with books to replace the ones taken, but I could not find the street again. Somehow, that wonderful little library got thrown into the mosh pit of my library addicted brain. Solution:  carry in the car a few books I wish to donate, just in case I come across another irresistible find. Living in Seattle I know I will. 

Not better than this

I go for a walk
come back with a book
blue slate and gray
the weather conspires
and chases away
all glare on the page

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